Friday, April 13, 2012

makeup board

I'd seen a couple versions of a magnetic makeup board on Pinterest and similar sites.  What I really wanted was a good way to hold my brushes without getting a huge pencil cup that would need huge magnets to keep it up.  Hence, the travel pill bottles!  I had a bunch of these lying around with a few pills in each of them, so I threw them all in one larger bottle and covered the travel containers in origami paper.  Getting the air bubbles was kind of odd, but I ended up lining up the paper with the bottle, painting mod podge on the paper, and rolling the bottle across the paper.  Using a piece of scrap paper under everything keeps the glue off the table!

For all the makeup, I used small magnets from Michael's and superglue on the smaller eyeshadow palettes.  The larger items, such as the mascara tube, the Dallas blush, and the longer eyeshadows needed multiple magnets.  You can also throw the sharpeners on the magnets; you don't even have to glue magnets to them.  The metal sharpening part sticks to the magnets and makes for easy access.
The last thing I did was use pretty wrapping paper to cover the cookie sheet.  Oh, that's another thing: before you buy or use a cookie sheet, make sure it's magnetic.  I just carried one of the craft magnets with me to the store and went around trying to stick it to kitchen items.  I probably looked a little crazy, but no one kicked me out!  The hardest part of putting the wrapping paper is getting it on the edges of the pan smoothly.  Avoid this by either choosing a flat cookie sheet, or scoring the corner of the wrapping paper and overlapping the excess.
Enjoy your new, clean, organized, and beautiful makeup board! It's great being able to see what you have without having to rummage through drawers and drawers of products.

P.S. The "Welcome Home" sign is from my boyfriend, who made it for me after I came back from New York a couple summers ago.  The pink pixel heart card was from this Valentine's day, made again by my boyfriend who cut it out himself.  I'm so proud!

P.S.S Hanging this was a bother.  I drilled two holes to the top edge of the cookie sheet and ran some of the wire used for hanging pictures through it.  It was the most secure way I was personally able to craft without buying a whole new cookie sheet.  I've seen some board that are mounted in a frame, which is really pretty, but I didn't feel like fitting a sheet to a frame.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Project completed: February 25, 2012.

In order to set the scene for this project, I have to say I am addicted to Pinterest. I am also a huge Harry Potter fan.  I've read through the series at least 6 times since it's been published.  Anyway, there I am, scrolling through the multitude of crafty pictures and happen upon a link to a book clutch.  Immediately, I think, "I CAN MAKE THIS." So I do. I hunt down a relatively good copy of HP for $4 at the thrift store and the gold wristlet for $5 at another.

One box cutter and a round of glue later, my awesome Harry Potter fangirl wallet is born!  I didn't know this when I bought it, but the text on the spine of the book is gold.  That was complete luck and an utter fail as a true fan because I never take the book jacket off and inspect and memorize the actual cover of each book.  I almost did so I would know what color wallet to buy for my next project, but I ended up going with another children's book series instead.  I'm kind of leaning towards the younger set of hardcovers because many of the adult book covers have raunchy titles or even raunchier cover art.  Not that that's a bad thing, but I'd rather not be carrying a book of that sort as my purse/wallet/accessory/storage thing.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

First mission accomplished!


My jewelry display is complete, and I'm actually proud of this one.  It's a great look, and my jewelry collection is thoroughly sorted through.  The previous display was tucked in a cabinet and never saw the light of day.  That very feeble attempt sits to the left.  Poor earrings. :(

The finished product looks pretty crazy, but it is way better with stuff on it.  I ended up moving the silver hooks to the lower halves of the black parts.  It works better so that the hoops don't cover so much of the mesh.  Also, if you're attempting this, do not buy a cheap frame! This one started splitting when I screwed the hooks in to a pilot hole that wasn't quite long enough.

Also, the cork sheets are doubled.  One didn't hold a stud earring too well, but two was just perfect.

And to your left, a charming little bracelet the boyfriend made me!  The lightning bolt Munny zipper pull is my personal addition.  To the right are my rings, bracelets, and make up brushes in a couple gelato containers that once held delicious frozen eats.  The smaller brown container holds my little navel piercings. ;]  And there ends my short career as a tour guide.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Status report. Or lack thereof.

Staple gun, check! Frame, check! Cork sheets and plastic mesh, check! ...Season 1 of How I Met Your Mother, check!

Alright, so I have everything gathered up.  I literally have all my jewelry, the frame, the materials, and the staple gun stashed in a box downstairs that used to hold a couple pairs of super cute boots. :D I'll get rolling on the project tomorrow, but I've got an interview in the morning. Excited!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Idea, meet life.

I've been toying with the idea of organizing the jewelry I've collected over the years in one single apparatus.  Much easier said than done.  My first attempt consisted of a plastic mesh found at Michael's in the same aisle as those boxed latch hook projects.  I attached a sheet of those to a cabinet where I also store my scarves, hats, and gloves, but it doesn't look appealing, nor do I actually use it.  Dangling earrings hang on it just fine, but stud earrings are a pain to remove and attach.  I have a few necklaces hanging on the hooks at the top, but it's nothing impressive.  I can't even think of including pictures at the moment because it's simply too plain.

So! This next attempt is going to include some prettier aspects so as to encourage me to display it and keep it neat.  I perused the web for a few ideas and am planning on combining several smaller projects for one larger jewelry display.  Super excited for this, but acquiring all the tools has proven tricky.  Without power tools of my own, I have to hunt down a staple gun.  I plan on trading my bf a can of spam for his.  ;]  Next is a frame, probably to be found at discounted price.  I'm also going to need cork for stud earring storage, several smaller hooks to use for necklaces, and maybe paint and the like for the frame.

Also, I am officially setting a deadline.  I have until midnight on Saturday to have this thing hung and organized.  If I fail this mission, well, I fail.  At the very least, a deadline will motivate me enough to get it done.